Cover Art | Design | Illustration | Editing | Pre-Press
Professional and experienced book design, expert typography and layout will put a shine on your latest literary gem. Illustration in a variety of media and styles, cover art that will attract attention and heighten the emotional coannection of the reader; editing support, research and social media expertise; and pre-press production to ensure your printed piece will look and feel like you envisioned.

Book Design, Cover Art and Illustration, Editing Support | “A Year of Guided Meditations: 52 Weekly Affirmations”
- Back Cover Photo | Brett Steelhammer
- Author | Dudley Evenson
- Photography | Dudley Evenson
- Publisher | Soundings of the Planet, Bellingham Washington
This collection of 52 high-powered affirmations is based on practical wisdom which helps us to affirm and manifest the best parts of our being.

Book Cover Art and Illustration | “Avery McShane Trilogy” by G. Leigh Lyons

Cover Art and Design
Bordertown Chica
- Cover Design | Bob Paltrow with Melissa Vail Coffman
- Author | Patricia Alacorn Missler
- Published by Author
Patricia Alarcón Missler finds her roots in a tasty world of chocolate éclairs, platefuls of nachos enjoyed on dates, and tamales nibbled on after Christmas Eve mass. More importantly she discovers that “familia” is at the heart of everything in her proud Mexican American life. And that’s what she shares in Border Town Chica, A Memoir. Missler paints colorful interconnected stories portraying a young girl growing up in the small south Texas border town of Brownsville.
Cover Art and Design
“Climate Dragon”
- Cover Design | Bob Paltrow
- Author | Sandy Lawrence
- Published by Author
CLIMATE FICTION / SCIENCE FICTION – Climate fiction without apocalypse, set in and around Washington, D.C. Newly minted engineering professor Jake Harper, dealing with issues of mild dyslexia and awkwardness with public speaking, wants to stave off climate weirding by re-engineering the North American electric grids.
Cover Art and Design
“Romancing The Beloved”
- Cover Art and Book Design | Bob Paltrow
- Author | Joan Heartfield, Ph D
- Published by Author
A renowned therapist and teacher, Joan Heartfield takes the reader on an intimate journey through her life, as she surrenders her own attachments to social and financial security, and boldly demonstrates how to live in the ecstasy of divine love.
Cover Art and Design
“Emergence of the Sensual Woman”
- Cover Art, Design, Illustration | Bob Paltrow
- Author | Saida Desilets
- Published by Author
Emergence of the Sensual Woman is an invitation to embody what it means to be an erotically alive and compassionate woman. Learn to live according to your inner voice and skillfully navigate through life’s many challenges by accessing your innate feminine wisdom.
Book Re-Design / Typography “DEER, TREE, THE SHAMAN, AND THE SUN”
- Author | James K. Papp
- Re-Design | Bob Paltrow
(original design: Becky’s Graphic Design, LLC) - Photography| James K. Papp
- Published by Planet Papp, LLC – James K. Papp and Lisa E. Papp, Bellingham, WA
Born on a wilderness backpacking trip during the life-changing year of 2020, this tale of hope honors connection with Nature as our ally to journey through disruption and uncertainty to a more harmonious future. Inspirational words and evocative photography guide your voyage to rediscover the exquisite and graceful beauty and bounty of your own being. “Let us remember who we are, and we will be gratefully together in unity; we will know what to do . . . What a blessing for each of us to have an opportunity to discover, in our heart of hearts, what is truly essential for us . . .”
Book Illustration and Design | “Love Doesn’t Care Who You Love”
- Cover Art, Illustration and Book Design | Bob Paltrow
- Author | Tracy Spring
- Self Published
In a journey spanning more that eighty years, Olguin describes the road to becoming a successful college athlete at a major university and how he became an advocate, to this day, for changing the damaging negative images of Mexicans and other Latinos
Book Design and Cover Art | “Who Let The Mexicans Play In The Rose Bowl? | Navigating The Racial Landscape of America“
- Cover Art and Book Design | Bob Paltrow
- Author | Hank Olguin
- Self Published
In a journey spanning more that eighty years, Olguin describes the road to becoming a successful college athlete at a major university and how he became an advocate, to this day, for changing the damaging negative images of Mexicans and other Latinos
Book Design, Cover Art and Illustration | “The Rise of Biodiesel“
- Book Design, Layout, Illustration, Cover Art | Bob Paltrow
- Authors | Ranger Kidwell-Ross with Saphir Lewis, Nathan A. Haney
- Illustrations | Christen Mattix
- Self Published
This 92-page book is designed to educate the general user of diesel on what biodiesel is and is not, as well as provide an overview of the fuel’s emergence as a top choice worldwide.
Book Design / Typography “The Collected Writings of Dale A Kimball”
- Author | Dale A Kimball
- Design | Bob Paltrow
- Illustrations | Robert Dodd
- Published by J & J Green Bean Press, Bellingham WA
A story of a man’s relationship with God,and God’s relationship with mankind. A story of how one man’s walk in this world is a revelation of our own journey through doubt, struggle, violence, sickness, death, diversity, destruction, joy, and transformation. This collection beckons us inward to consider our own questions, our own faith. A poet takes us outward—a step beyond our individual experience so we may see the light and dark of our humanity and the impact we have on the miraculous world around us.
Book Design / Typography “What if … You Lived 300 Years? How to Live with Resilience in Changing Times.”
- Author | Paula Forget
- Design | Bob Paltrow
- Cover Design & Graphic Illustrations | Paula Forget
- Published by Author
What If . . . You Lived 300 Years? presents a point of view, developed after exploring the outlook of centenarians, of how to live with resilience in changing times. It promotes an attitude of optimism, curiosity and wonder. Join me as we explore a life filled with possibilities, fateful and pragmatic, along with scientific discoveries that cause us to ponder what awaits us in the 21st century.
Book Design and Illustration “Children of the Earth“
- Author | Amy Churba
- Cover Art and Book Design | Bob Paltrow
- Self Published
Children of the Earth, with its bright, stirring and lighthearted illustrations, takes the child on an earth journey through the world of the senses.

Book Design and Pre-Press | Whimsy Park: Poems for the Whole Family“
- Author | “Papa Green Bean” John S. Green
- Illustrations | Christen Mattix
- Book Design | Bob Paltrow
- Self Published
Featuring 40 watercolor illustrated poems, adults and children can equally enjoy their walks through Whimsy Park. These poems contain thoughtful concepts giving a sense of wonder, while also putting a huge smile on your face.

Book Design, Illustration and Editing Support | Quieting The Monkey Mind: How To Meditate With Music
- Book Design, Layout, Illustration, Cover Art | Bob Paltrow
- Authors | Dudley Evenson and Dean Evenson, M.S.
- Photography | Dudley Evenson
- Cover Art | Elijah Evenson
- Publisher | Soundings of the Planet
Quieting the Monkey Mind: How to Meditate with Music by respected music pioneers and purveyors of peace, Dudley and Dean Evenson, helps make meditation understandable, accessible, and simple to do. Whether you have been meditating for years, or are just beginning on your path, you will benefit significantly from this beautiful guidebook designed for all ages and practices.