Poster and event production: “2016 Procession of Light: Solstice Celebration and Ceremony” was the inaugural Downtown Bellingham Solstice event I created and co-produced with a half-dozen collaborators on June 20th, 2016. The event featured a concert, healing arts practitioners, a half-mile procession of light to a nearby downtown beach , Glass Beach, and a sunset ceremony by the water.

Poster Design: 2016 Carry The Light Solstice Concert and Ceremony
Procession of Light: Solstice Celebration & Ceremony
Monday, June 20th 2016 6:00 – 10:30 PM
All Ages • Suggested Donation $5
Café Bouzingo 1209 Cornwall Ave, Bellingham • (323) 380-8545
Facebook event page:
Facebook group page: “Carry The Light Bellingham”
Music by Devin Beu, Ruby Flambé, David Loudon and Dean Evenson.
Featured speakers to include Glacia Rain, Dudley Evenson and Chicken Phoenix.
Ceremony by Sara Thornton and Susan Powell.
At the inaugural Bellingham Procession of Light. we celebrate the Summer Solstice with a Concert at Café Bouzingo, followed by a Procession of Light from Café Bouzingo, south on Cornwall Avenue about 1/2 mile to Glass Beach on Bellingham Bay. There, we will mark the advent of Summer and Solstice, the longest day of the year, with a ceremony blessing our Native Waters. Themes of transition and transformation; community and gratitude; honoring our land and waters.
6 PM
at Café Bouzingo
MUSIC by: Ruby Flambé, Devin Beu, David Loudon
GUIDED MEDITATION by: Glacia Rain — “Higher Self Integration”
GUEST SPEAKER: Dudley Evenson, Soundings of the Planet
POETRY by: Chicken Phoenix
NOTES: We will have some kids’ activities; healing arts practitioners; henna, body and face painting art for the procession; live painting, and some snacks will be available at the event.
9 PM
Walk from Café Bouzingo to Glass Beach.
Bring a candle, flashlight, head lamp, LED’s or glow-stick – and your inner light, of course! And walk with us in procession to Glass Beach on the Solstice: longest day of the year and first day of summer.
South from Café Bouzingo
1209 Cornwall Ave,to “Glass Beach;”
End of Cornwall on Bellingham Bay
(about 1/2 mile)
SUNSET CEREMONY: “Healing Our Native Waters”
CEREMONY by Sara Thornton – “Blessing Our Native Waters” We gather in community to meditate and pray for the health of our sacred waters, especially our Native Waters.
MUSIC by Dean & Dudley Evenson, Soundings of the Planet
Close the evening with community, acoustic music at the beach, sharing inner and outer warmth, gratitude for this life, hope and vision for the future.
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